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BOS 2024




Current news




BOS / SOR 2024 Conference in Warsaw, October 17th-18th, 2024 (hybrid mode)

You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2024.

BOS / SOR 2024 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in hybrid mode, on October 17th – 18th, 2024 (Thursday-Friday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad.. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.

The papers from the Conference will be published, after reviews, like those from the most recent Conferences – in a Springer volume and in some selected journals.

We invite you to a possibly early registration with the attached registration form. In particular – you are invited to organise special sessions.

You can contact us through the e-mail address:



BOS / SOR 2022 Conference in Warsaw,
October 13th-15th, 2022 (hybrid mode)


TILL AUGUST 31st, 2022.



BOS / SOR 2022 Conference in Warsaw,
October 13th-15th, 2022 (hybrid mode)


You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2022.

BOS / SOR 2022 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in hybrid mode, on October 13th – 15th, 2022 (Thursday through Saturday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad.. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.
The papers from the Conference are being published, after reviews, those from the most recent Conferences – in a Springer volume and in some selected journals.

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We invite you to a possibly early registration with the attached
registration form. In particular – you are invited to organise special sessions.

* * *

You can contact us through the e-mail address:




Dear Colleagues and Friends, it is with utmost pleasure that we wish to inform you that the 2020 edition of the competition of our Society for the Polish book on operational and systems research – although with a delay caused largely by the specific conditions of action during the epidemic time – comes to the end. You shall find below the final results of the competition. We shall be addressing separately all of the participants of the competition (whom we would like to thank very much, especially the proposers), and, of course the laureates. We would like to emphasise that the quality of the candidate books was indeed high and the subject matter very well fitting the prerequisites of the competition, and the final decision of really difficult. This fact also entailed the broadening of the list of laureates. The results of the competition shall be announced in the media, to which we have access. Let me thank once again all those involved in the competition and assure you that the edition 2022 is under preparation.

On behalf of the Board of the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society,
Jan W. Owsiński, Secretary General

Books proposed in the competition of the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society – final results







Pattern Recognition: A Quality of Data Perspective

Władysław Homenda; Witold Pedrycz

Ist prize,
5 000 PLN



Dynamic Business Process Management in the Knowledge Economy: Creating Value from Intellectual Capital

Marek Szelągowski

IInd prize,
3 000 PLN



Optimising inventory processes – selected models and methods (in Polish)

Grzegorz Tarczyński

IIIrd prize ex aequo,
1 000 PLN



Decision making under uncertainty. Scenario planning, decision rules and selected economic applications (in Polish)

Helena Gaspars-Wieloch

IIIrd prize ex aequo,
1 000 PLN



Optimising transport of fast depreciating goods – models and algorithms (in Polish)

Marcin Anholcer

Diploma of participation



Modelling of social processes in organisations with cellular automata (in Polish)

Agnieszka Kowalska-Styczeń

Diploma of participation



Decision models in order picking in the modern warehouses (in Polish)

Aleksandra Sabo Zielonka

Diploma of participation



Layered models of security systems for use in rail transport (in Polish)

Adrian Gill

Diploma of participation



Subjective assessment of stock exchange investments – the quantitative approach (in Polish)

Renata Dudzińska-Baryła

Diploma of participation



Applying signal processing in streaming data fusion (in Polish)

Krzysztof Brzostowski

Diploma of participation



Inconsistency of judgments in the analytic hierarchy process (in Polish)

Anna Prusak

Diploma of participation



Modelling of data variability in the framework of the DEA method (in Polish)

Artur Prędki

Diploma of participation



Fuzzy Transportation and Transshipment Problems

Amarpreet Kaur, Janusz Kacprzyk, Amit Kumar




Quadratic programming in decision support (in Polish)i

Tadeusz Trzaskalik, Renata Dudzińska-Baryła, Sławomir Jarek, Maciej Nowak









It is our really great pleasure to inform you that the consecutive BOS conference, that is – BOS/SOR2020 took place, after the change of date and after switching to virtual mode, on December 14-15, 2020. You can verify for yourself that the content of the meeting was truly interesting and motivating – the realised schedule of the meeting is provided here below, and the blue-coloured papers lead to respective presentations. We sincerely hope you shall find them not only highly interesting, but also stimulating.


Final Session Schedule of the BOS/SOR2020 Conference,
Palais Staszic, Warsaw / virtual mode

Systems and Operational Research 2020

Organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society, in cooperation with the
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences

and Warsaw School of information Technology


14 December 2020 - Monday

12:00 CET*: opening of the Conference

Introductory Address by Janusz Kacprzyk, President, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society

12:15 CET: Jorge Hernandez Hormazabal: Enhancing and implementing knowledge based ICT solutions within high risk and uncertain conditions for agriculture production systems (RUC-APS) (invited plenary); Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk

13:00 CET: Tadeusz Trzaskalik: Classification of alternatives in Bipolar Multistage Method; Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk

13:45 CET: Session I: Multiple criteria decision making and optimisation; Chair: Ignacy Kaliszewski

Alexander Yazenin & Ilya Soldatenko: Model of a minimal risk portfolio under hybrid uncertainty

Andrzej Łodziński: Supporting the process of negotiations with the use of multi-criteria analysis

Ignacy Kaliszewski & Olga Karelkina: Multiobjective optimization via web-based services

Jakko Hakula: Evaluation of digital services by voting towards MCDM: the pedagogy of the Saari triangle

Dmitry Podkopaev: A library for solving multiobjective multiple-choice knapsack problems


15:45 CET: Session II: Trading and exchange models and algorithms; Chair: Lech Kruś

Przemysław Juszczuk & Lech Kruś: Towards effective trading systems - investigating the efficiency of market indicators

Jerzy Tchórzewski & Dariusz Ruciński: Quantum-inspired method of modelling the neuronal day-ahead market of the Polish electricity exchange

Dariusz Ruciński: Data quotation period and the quality of ANN teaching as a Polish Power Exchange model


17:30 CET: Closing of the first day of the Conference


15 December 2018 – Tuesday

9:00 CET: Jerzy Józefczyk, Mirosław Ławrynowicz & Grzegorz Filcek: On problems and methods of coordinated scheduling and location; Chair: Ignacy Kaliszewski

10:00 CET: Session III: Advances in optimization techniques for machine learning; Chairs: Serena Crisci & Giorgia Franchini)

Pasquale Cascarano: ADMM DIP-TV: combining Total Variation and Deep Image Prior for image restoration

Giorgia Franchini: Steplength and mini-batch size selection in Convolutional Neural Networks

Marek Pecha: Balancing predictive relevance of ligand biochemical activities

Simone Rebegoldi: A stochastic inexact restoration trust-region method with application to machine learning

Marco Viola: Line-search second-order methods for optimization in noisy environments


12:30 CET: Intermission: Open resources in the digital repository of the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, by Joanna Niesłuchowska-Kubacz

12:40 CET: Session IV: Management & Economics; Chair: Jerzy Tchórzewski

Leszek Klukowski: Problems of Polish public debt – state from before Covid-19

Jan Gadomski & Lech Kruś: Short and long term objectives of an enterprise. bi-criteria analysis

Radosław Marlęga & Jerzy Tchórzewski: Metaidentification of the management system of the PEPE in terms of control theory and systems

Jarosław Stańczak & Jan Owsiński: Evolutionary k-means clustering method with controlled number of detected groups applied in determining the typology of Polish municipalities


14:40 CET: Session V: Data analysis, modelling and applications; Chair: Zbigniew Nahorski

Jolanta Jarnicka & Zbigniew Nahorski: Comparison of two methods of estimating uncertainty in national greenhouse gas inventories

Jan Owsiński, Cristian Ciurea, Florin Filip & Jarosław Stańczak: Students’ forward thinking – an analysis of cultural divides

Jan Betley, Mateusz Iskrzyński & Magdalena Sochacka: Auto-Machine-Learning on Texts

Antoni Żochowski, Weronika Radziszewska, Katarzyna Szulc & Jörg Verstraete: Approximation of energy-optimal train control

Krzysztof Schiff: Ant algorithm for maximum number of 3-cliques in 3-partite graphs


17:15 CET: Closing of the Conference

* CET: Central European Time; in red fonts: paper not presented




Second edition of the Society’s competition for the best book on operational and systems research

Currently, second edition is being realised of the competition, launched by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society, aiming to distinguish the best Polish books, dealing with operational and systems research. In the framework of the action of filing the proposals the list of 14 candidate books was established (List of books proposed). Now, conform to the regulations, concerning the competition, the Chapter of the competition is considering the selection of the eligible candidate books to be assessed. The final list and the assessments of the individual candidate books shall be announced before the next bi-annual BOS/SOR2020 conference, that is – before December 14th, 2020.

It is with special satisfaction that we note, first, a significant share of candidate books dealing with the classical subject matter and problems of operational research, this share being definitely higher than in the first edition of the competition. Secondly, and this is similar as in the previous edition, we do observe the participation of a number of academic centres in our competition, both in terms of the Authors and their affiliations, and in terms of the persons, sending the proposals.

We cordially encourage you to consult the List of books proposed and to sending us the comments and assessment of the candidate books addressed at




BOS / SOR 2020 Conference in Palais Staszic in Warsaw, September 24th-26th, 2020

You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2020.

BOS / SOR 2020 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in Palais Staszic, in the historical heart of Warsaw, the seat of numerous scientific organisations, on September 24th – 26th, 2020 (Thursday through Saturday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad. The meetings, organised every two years host 150-200 participants, who present some 100 papers, which, after a peer review procedure, are published. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.


*  *  *

We invite you to a possibly early registration with the attached registration form. In particular – you are invited to organise special sessions.

*  *  *

You can contact us through the e-mail address: 

*  *  *





We would like to inform you that this year the EURO conference is taking place in Dublin, Ireland, on June 23rd-26th. Please, consult the website of the Conference and feel invited.



ORMS Today bimonthly journal is looking for interesting cases, describing successful operational research projects in various countries. The articles, of non-technical character, having the length of approximately 2 000 words, will appear, after acceptance, in a special issue of ORMS Today. Please, address the chair of the journal’s committee, Professor James J. Cochran possibly referring to the invitation extended through our Society.


We would like to inform you that the articles, resulting from the last year’s BOS/SOR 2018 conference, which was held in Warsaw, at Palais Staszic, in September, are being published in a volume from Springer and in the quarterly journal Control & Cybernetics.


We would like to remind you of the payment of the dues – not having changed this year (40 PLN). The payment ought to be made to the account at bank PeKaO S.A.,

Swift code: PKOPPLPW;

account number: 47 1240 6218 1111 0000 4619 6420




Competition for the best books in operational and systems research of the Society 2018: final results

Submissions were assessed by the jury members on the scale between 0 and 10 points. The results provided are the averages over the assessments from the members of the jury, taking into account the weights, resulting from the total number of score points, assigned by each jury member.


Title (PL – in Polish, GB – in English)

Final scores

Krzysztof S. Targiel 

Application of real options in project management (PL)


Jerzy Kolarzowski 

Foundations of negotiations.  Enchiridion. Linguistic and praxiological approach (PL)


Ewa Roszkowska, Tomasz Wachowicz (eds.)

Negotiations. Analysis and support of decisions (PL)


Tadeusz Trzaskalik, Cezary Dominiak, Dorota Górecka, Maciej Nowak, Krzysztof Targiel, Sebastian Sitarz, Tomasz Wachowicz

Multicriteria decision suport. Methods and applications (PL) 



Ignacy Kaliszewski, Janusz Miroforidis, Dmitry Podkopaev

Multiple Criteria Decision Making by Multiobjective Optimization - A Toolbox (GB)


Kesra Nermend


Methods of multicriteria and multidimensional analysis in decsision suport (PL)


Dariusz Horla


Theory and methods of optimisation in problems (PL)


Wiesław Wajs

Static optimisation in two dimensions (PL)


Tomasz Pawlonka 

Measuring the capital cost on the example of meat branch in Poland. Methodological case study (PL)



Marek Szelągowski

Process management in knowledge economy (PL)


Jan B. Gajda

Forecasting and simulation in economy and management (PL)


Władysław Homenda, Witold Pedrycz

Pattern Recognition: A Quality of Data Perspective (GB)


Mariusz Kostrzewski 


Modelling and analysis of selected processes and elements in logistic facilities using simulation methods (PL)




The laureates, indicated in the table above, shall be invited to participate, without registration fee, in the conference BOS/SOR2018, where the respective ceremony will be held.




Competition of the Society for the book in operational and systems research

In autumn of 2017 the Society announced the competition for a book on subjects, related to operational research and systems science, as the areas of activity of the Society. The competition is being realised according to the Rules, established by the Board of the Society. (We are not providing here the Rules, for the competition is oriented at the books by Polish authors.) Until the deadline of submissions 14 candidate books were proposed – see the List of books. As of now, work is on-going on (1) qualifying the books submitted to the proper competition conform to the Rules; and (2) assessment of the books qualified. The list of the books, admitted to the competition, and of the laureates, shall be announced until the end of June 2018. It is planned to have the prizes handed over to the winners during the conference BOS / SOR 2018.




BOS / SOR 2018 Conference in Palais Staszic in Warsaw, September 24th-26th, 2018

You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2018.

BOS / SOR 2018 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in Palais Staszic, in the historical heart of Warsaw, the seat of numerous scientific organisations, on September 24th – 26th, 2016 (Monday through Wednesday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad. The meetings, organised every two years host 150-200 participants, who present some 100 papers, which, after a peer review procedure, are published. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.


*  *  *




Conference CISIM 2016

We have the pleasure of informing you that the Society is involved in the organization of the consecutive CISIM conference – CISIM 2016, the 15th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on September 14-16, 2016, see for details:

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Conference EURO 2016



In just a couple of days the most important annual European conference in Operational Research shall start – EURO 2016 – not to be confounded with the European soccer championships in France! The conference takes place in Poznan, one of the most important cities in Western Poland (July 3-6, 2016). Consult for details and program

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You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS 2016.

BOS 2016 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in Palais Staszic, in the historical heart of Warsaw, the seat of numerous scientific organisations, on October 12th – 14th, 2016 (Wednesday through Friday).

BOS Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad. The meetings, organised every two years host 150-200 participants, who present some 100 papers, which, after a peer review procedure, are published. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.

* * *

We invite you to a possibly early registration with the attached registration form. In particular – you are invited to organise special sessions. We can announce already now a session, organised by the EURO / IFORS Working Group “MODEST”, dealing with modelling an analysis of the economic and social transformation processes.

* * *

You can contact us through the e-mail address: 



BOS 2014 in Warsaw in September 2014

Preparations have started for the consecutive BOS conference, BOS 2014, to be held in Warsaw, at Palais Staszic, on September 24-26, 2014. Please, look for details under BOS 2014. And send us filled out Registration Form.



Professor Janusz Kacprzyk, President of POSRS, has been awarded the IFSA 2013 Award, the most prestigious award of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), in recognition of his outstanding academic contributions, his life time achievement in the field of fuzzy systems, and his continuous support of IFSA. He is the sixth consecutive recipient of this award after Professors L.A. Zadeh, G.J. Klir, T. Terano, R.R. Yager and E. Trillas.


Please, visit the page of MODEST, where the subsequent international workshop is being announced, and where you can find the respective information and the pre-registration form.

All of you, who are interested, are kindly requested to fill in the
Membership application form.




webmaster: Aneta Pielak