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Own research
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BOS 2024





Own research

The Society undertakes projects related to its domain of competence, most often research and educational projects, carried out alone or in collaboration with other institutions. The following are good examples of such projects:

1. Dynamic modelling of the Polish economy in the period of transition. The team of the Society, carrying out the project in the years 1993-1996, was composed of Jan W. Owsiński, Irena Woroniecka, Jan Gadomski, and Andrzej Kałuszko, in collaboration with Prof. Peter Fleissner from the Vienna University of Technology. The project was financed mainly by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, while the publication of results in Poland
Publications was financed by the Polish State Committee for Science and Research.

2. The internet-based system for post-graduate teaching in the field of environmental protection, sustainable economy, and energy. The project was financed by the European Union and carried out  in the years 1998-2001 in collaboration within an international consortium involving partners from Austria, Greece, and Slovakia. The team of the Society, carrying out the project, was composed of: Andrzej Straszak, Andrzej Kałuszko, Piotr Holnicki, Jan W. Owsiński.

3. Work of consultative character, for purposes of several projects in the framework of the European 5th and 6th FPs, carried out by the Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, in the years 2003-2007.

webmaster: Aneta Pielak