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Here is the list of the English language publications of POSRS, or resulting from cooperation (the complete list of publications is available on the Polish version of the website):

J.W. Owsiński (Red.), MODEST: MODelling of Economies & Societies in Transition – ICT and its impact – economy – ICT – environment – patterns in management, Studia i Materiały Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Zarządzania Wiedzą, zeszyt nr 34, Bydgoszcz, 2010.

Zbigniew Nahorski, Jan W. Owsiński, Tomasz Szapiro (Eds.), The Socio-Economic Transformation. Getting Closer to What? Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills – New York, 2007.


Z. Nahorski, J.W. Owsiński, Tomasz Szapiro, eds.: "Transition to Advanced Market Institutions and Economies", numer specjalny Annals of Operations Research.

J.W. Owsiński, ed.: A Dynamic Model of Polish Economy in Transition. Polish Operational and Systems Research Society. Warszawa 1998.

J.W. Owsiński, ed.: Modelling and Analysing Economies in Transition II. The Interfaces Institute and Systems Research Institute, Warszawa 1998.

R. Kulikowski, Z. Nahorski, J.W. Owsiński, eds.: Economic Transformation & Integration. Problems, Arguments, Proposals. Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. Warszawa 1998.

J.W. Owsiński and Z. Nahorski, eds.: Modelling and Analysing Economies in Transition. The Interfaces Institute and Polish Operational and System Research Society, Warszawa 1996.

J.W. Owsiński, J. Stefański, A. Straszak, eds.: Transition to Advanced Market Economies. Strategic options, modelling approaches and operational research perspectives. The Association of Polish Operational Research Societies. Warszawa 1992.

V.V. Vidal, A. Straszak, Hans Ravn, eds.: The Systems Analysis Approach to Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Baltic Region. Polish Operational and Systems Research Society, Danish Operations Research Society, Systems Research Institute, IMSOR, Dania, 1989.

All of the above publications can be ordered through the Publications Department of the Systems Research Institute: Ms. Joanna Runowska, Systems Research Institute, Newelska 6, 01-447 Warszawa, Poland;

phone (48 22) 38 10 246; email:


webmaster: Aneta Pielak