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It is our really great pleasure to inform you that the consecutive BOS conference, that is – BOS/SOR2020 took place, after the change of date and after switching to virtual mode, on December 14-15, 2020. You can verify for yourself that the content of the meeting was truly interesting and motivating – the realised schedule of the meeting is provided here below, and the blue-coloured papers lead to respective presentations. We sincerely hope you shall find them not only highly interesting, but also stimulating.


Final Session Schedule of the BOS/SOR2020 Conference,
Palais Staszic, Warsaw / virtual mode

Systems and Operational Research 2020

Organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society, in cooperation with the
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences

and Warsaw School of information Technology


14 December 2020 - Monday

12:00 CET*: opening of the Conference

Introductory Address by Janusz Kacprzyk, President, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society

12:15 CET: Jorge Hernandez Hormazabal: Enhancing and implementing knowledge based ICT solutions within high risk and uncertain conditions for agriculture production systems (RUC-APS) (invited plenary); Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk

13:00 CET: Tadeusz Trzaskalik: Classification of alternatives in Bipolar Multistage Method; Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk

13:45 CET: Session I: Multiple criteria decision making and optimisation; Chair: Ignacy Kaliszewski

Alexander Yazenin & Ilya Soldatenko: Model of a minimal risk portfolio under hybrid uncertainty

Andrzej Łodziński: Supporting the process of negotiations with the use of multi-criteria analysis

Ignacy Kaliszewski & Olga Karelkina: Multiobjective optimization via web-based services

Jakko Hakula: Evaluation of digital services by voting towards MCDM: the pedagogy of the Saari triangle

Dmitry Podkopaev: A library for solving multiobjective multiple-choice knapsack problems


15:45 CET: Session II: Trading and exchange models and algorithms; Chair: Lech Kruś

Przemysław Juszczuk & Lech Kruś: Towards effective trading systems - investigating the efficiency of market indicators

Jerzy Tchórzewski & Dariusz Ruciński: Quantum-inspired method of modelling the neuronal day-ahead market of the Polish electricity exchange

Dariusz Ruciński: Data quotation period and the quality of ANN teaching as a Polish Power Exchange model


17:30 CET: Closing of the first day of the Conference


15 December 2018 – Tuesday

9:00 CET: Jerzy Józefczyk, Mirosław Ławrynowicz & Grzegorz Filcek: On problems and methods of coordinated scheduling and location; Chair: Ignacy Kaliszewski

10:00 CET: Session III: Advances in optimization techniques for machine learning; Chairs: Serena Crisci & Giorgia Franchini)

Pasquale Cascarano: ADMM DIP-TV: combining Total Variation and Deep Image Prior for image restoration

Giorgia Franchini: Steplength and mini-batch size selection in Convolutional Neural Networks

Marek Pecha: Balancing predictive relevance of ligand biochemical activities

Simone Rebegoldi: A stochastic inexact restoration trust-region method with application to machine learning

Marco Viola: Line-search second-order methods for optimization in noisy environments


12:30 CET: Intermission: Open resources in the digital repository of the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, by Joanna Niesłuchowska-Kubacz

12:40 CET: Session IV: Management & Economics; Chair: Jerzy Tchórzewski

Leszek Klukowski: Problems of Polish public debt – state from before Covid-19

Jan Gadomski & Lech Kruś: Short and long term objectives of an enterprise. bi-criteria analysis

Radosław Marlęga & Jerzy Tchórzewski: Metaidentification of the management system of the PEPE in terms of control theory and systems

Jarosław Stańczak & Jan Owsiński: Evolutionary k-means clustering method with controlled number of detected groups applied in determining the typology of Polish municipalities


14:40 CET: Session V: Data analysis, modelling and applications; Chair: Zbigniew Nahorski

Jolanta Jarnicka & Zbigniew Nahorski: Comparison of two methods of estimating uncertainty in national greenhouse gas inventories

Jan Owsiński, Cristian Ciurea, Florin Filip & Jarosław Stańczak: Students’ forward thinking – an analysis of cultural divides

Jan Betley, Mateusz Iskrzyński & Magdalena Sochacka: Auto-Machine-Learning on Texts

Antoni Żochowski, Weronika Radziszewska, Katarzyna Szulc & Jörg Verstraete: Approximation of energy-optimal train control

Krzysztof Schiff: Ant algorithm for maximum number of 3-cliques in 3-partite graphs


17:15 CET: Closing of the Conference

* CET: Central European Time; in red fonts: paper not presented




BOS / SOR 2020 Conference in Palais Staszic in Warsaw, September 24th-26th, 2020

You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2020.

BOS / SOR 2020 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in Palais Staszic, in the historical heart of Warsaw, the seat of numerous scientific organisations, on September 24th – 26th, 2020 (Thursday through Saturday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad. The meetings, organised every two years host 150-200 participants, who present some 100 papers, which, after a peer review procedure, are published. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.


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We invite you to a possibly early registration with the attached registration form. In particular – you are invited to organise special sessions.

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You can contact us through the e-mail address: 



BOS / SOR 2018 Conference in Palais Staszic in Warsaw, September 24th-26th, 2018

You are cordially invited to participate in the consecutive BOS / SOR Conference: Systems and Operational Research – BOS / SOR 2018.

BOS / SOR 2018 Conference is organised by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The Conference shall take place in Palais Staszic, in the historical heart of Warsaw, the seat of numerous scientific organisations, on September 24th – 26th, 2018 (Monday through Wednesday).

BOS / SOR Conferences are among the most important forums for the Polish community of scholars and practitioners within the broadly conceived systems and operational research domains. We invite also cordially the participants from abroad. The meetings, organised every two years host 150-200 participants, who present some 100 papers, which, after a peer review procedure, are published. The subject matters of the Conferences are quite broad, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues up to applications in industry, economy, education, military, management and administration. A part of the Conferences traditionally takes on the form of guest-organised seminars, frequently reaching the highest scientific levels.


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We have the pleasure of cordially inviting you to the next bi-annual BOS conference, BOS 2016, which will be held in Warsaw, at Palais Staszic, on October 12th – 14th, 2016 (Wednesday through Friday). For details, see under BOS 2016. You can also fill in now and send us the Registration Form.

This conference shall be collocated with the traditional, annual, International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets (IWIFSGN 2016). Also traditionally, the Conference will host in its framework the MODEST Workshop (MODEST 2016).


Since its very inception the Society adopted as one of the essential forms of activity the organisation of the cyclical national conferences of the community it represents. The conferences, with the acronym BOS, constitute a forum for presentation of achievements and for discussion of the substantial and organisational issues of the community.

Until now the following BOS conferences took place:

BOS 88 in Książ (together with the Systems Research Institute - SRI PAS),

BOS 91 in Warsaw (together with SRI PAS and the Military Technical Academy - WAT),

BOS 93 in Warsaw (with SRI PAS, National Defence Academy - AON, and WAT),

BOS 95 in Gdynia (with SRI PAS, WAT, and the maritime schools in Gdynia),

BOS 97 in Kutno,

BOS 2000 in Ciechocinek,

BOS 2002 in Warsaw, together with SRI PAS and the Warsaw School of Information Technology (WIT),

BOS 2004 in Warsaw, together with SI PAS and WIT,

BOS 2006 in Szczecin, together with SRI PAS and the University of Szczecin,

BOS 2008 in Rembertów by Warsaw, together with SRI PAS and AON.

BOS 2010 in Bydgoszcz, organised together with SRI PAS and the University of Technology and Natural Science in Bydgoszcz (UTP).

BOS 2012 took place in Warsaw, in September 2012, at Palais Staszic, and was organized in cooperation with SRI PAS.

BOS 2014 took place in Warsaw, in September 2014, at Palais Staszic, and was (highly successfully) collocated with some international meetings (IEEE Intelligent Systems, SMPS 2014, etc.). BOS 2014 was organized in cooperation with SRI PAS.

Independently of the BOS series the Society organised and co-organised a number of other meetings, both national and international (
collaboration). In particular, the international working group MODEST, affiliated with the Society, organised its workshops, and the Society collaborated with the Systems Research Institute in the organisation of the conferences on the socio-economic systemic transformation in modern world.

Selected - international - conferences outside of the BOS series are:

"The Systems Analysis Approach to Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Baltic Region", Gdańsk, 26-29 September 1988 (with SRI PAS and the Danish Operational Research Society).

"Transition to Advanced Market Economies", Warsaw, 22-25 June 1992 (in the framework of the
Association, with IFORS as IFORS SPC-2, SRI PAS, and some other institutions).

MODEST - Modelling and Analysing the Economies in Transition", September 1995, Mądralin by Warsaw (MODEST together with The Interfaces Institute).

MODEST - Modelling and Analysing the Economies in Transition II", September 1996, Jabłonna by Warsaw (MODEST with SRI PAS, University of Siena, Italy, and The Interfaces Institute).

EURO Prime 1999, 11-14 September 1999, Warsaw-Rembertów. A conference for the young O&SR researchers, associated with the meeting of the working group
MODEST (in collaboration with EURO, AON, and SRI PAS).

National conference on Multiaccess Computer Systems KSW'2000 in Ciechocinek, organised by the Farming Academy in Bydgoszcz in collaboration with other institutions.

Most of these conferences brought publication of books containing selected materials (

A preliminary information and the pre-registration to the consecutive BOS can be found under BOS. Similarly, MODEST contains the registration form to the subsequent meeting of the working group.


webmaster: Aneta Pielak