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sent out irregularly, mainly on the basis of what's new

Edited etc. by Jan Owsiński

Issue no. 10A, Autumn/Winter 2004

Updated in Autumn 2005

Look for the news about MODEST 2006 – September 29-30, 2006 in Szczecin



1. About this issue: the highlights
2. MODEST 2004 meeting in Warsaw
3. Invitation to EURO 2006 in Reykjavik
4. ITIB: St. Petersburg, June 2005 and Warsaw, June 2006
5. MODEST 2006

1. About this issue: the highlights

Dear Friends, this issue of the MODEST Newsletter follows the consecutive meeting of the group in Warsaw at the end of September 2004. Thus, the very first section of this Newsletter is devoted to the event and its effects.


The subsequent section of the Newsletter consist of invitation to the conference at which our working group is supposed to organise special sessions. It is EURO 2006, a flagship meeting of EURO, which will take place on July 2-5, 2006, in Reykjavik, Iceland, and MODEST is invited to set up a session or even a series of sessions at this very important international event. Then, there is a section devoted to ITIB 2005 (Information Technology in Business), an international seminar traditionally organised by the Linköping University in Sweden and the St. Petersburg’s State University of Finance and Economics in Russia. The next ITIB meeting, ITIB 2006, will take place in Warsaw.


Further, the next MODEST meeting will take place on September 29-30, 2006, in Szczecin, a big city and a university centre in North-western Poland. Your are all cordially invited to participate.

2. MODEST 2004 meeting in Warsaw


The consecutive meeting of MODEST took place at the end of September 2004 in Warsaw, and, like the preceding meeting of the Working Group, it was run within the framework of the bi-annual national conference of the Polish Society of Operational and System Research Society ("BOS 2004"). In distinction to the previous MODEST meeting, most of the MODEST-related papers were presented during the proper sessions of the BOS 2004 conference, and only a working meeting of the group members was organised separately. As it is already a well established tradition, a book was published resulting from this meeting and the discussions around it.

The table of contents of the volume is as follows:

MODEST 2004:

Integration, Trade, Innovation & Finance: From Continental to Local Perspectives

Jan W. Owsiński, ed.


Foreword – Jan W. Owsiński


Chapter 1: Finance and Banking


Jan Gadomski: An analysis of the dynamics of deposits and loans

Irena Woroniecka: Factors determining interest rate level in Poland. Estimation results for 1993-2002

Qing He and Xiaoguang Yang: Understanding the duration of the exchange rate pegs


Chapter 2: Trade, Openness and Hi-Tech


A. Barbara Kisiel-Łowczyc: Poland’s competitiveness and Finnish-Polish economic relations

Jan W. Owsiński, Sławomir Zadrożny: Trade in hi-tech products around the Baltic Rim – a business-as-usual or a progressive phenomenon?

Tiiu Paas, Egle Tafenau: A gravity model analysis of regional trade integration in the context of EU enlargement

Helena Lindskog: SOTIP – From an idea to a procurement model


Chapter 3: European Union, Structures and Effectiveness


Maurice Yolles and Paul Iles: Two-speed Europe and international joint alliance theory

Jacek W. Mercik, Frantisek Turnovec, Marcin Mazurkiewicz: Does voting over national dimension provide more national influence in the European Parliament than voting over ideological dimension? European voting power debate and the formal power indices

Krzysztof Cichocki: An equilibrium model for implementing regional development by Polish local governments with the aid of EU funds


The book can be ordered from the Systems Research Institute upon contacting Ms Joanna Runowska ( ), to obtain the book at the MODEST (!) price of 20 € + postage.


Like before, the book is not the proper proceedings volume, since it contains peer reviewed papers, some of which have not been presented during the meeting, while, on the other hand, it does not contain some that actually were presented.


3. Invitation to EURO 2006 in Reykjavik


EURO Working Group MODEST is invited to contribute actively to the consecutive, 21st EURO conference, EURO 2006, which will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, on July 2-5, 2006. You can find a general information on the conference under , the website of the 21st European Conference on Operational research, EURO 2006. The leading theme of the Conference is “OR for Better Management of Sustainable Development”.


In fact, it is possible that we organise a series (stream) of sessions within our area of competence. In addition, if any of you felt like contributing by inviting further potential participants, you are indeed welcome to chair or co-chair those sessions. Note that it is assumed that each session will comprise three papers.


Thus, you are kindly asked to send in – by e-mail – your suggestions for the papers to be presented in Reykjavik possibly soon. These preliminary proposals ought to contain the names and addresses of the authors, the proposed title of the paper, and a short abstract of about one standard A4 page (1800 characters).


Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland: look out for exotic nature, glaciers, volcanic lava, waterfalls and midnight sun!



4. ITIB: St. Petersburg, June 2005 and Warsaw, June 2006


The Department of Informatics at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance in Russia, and the Department of Management and Economics at Linköping University in Sweden organized and run the ITIB 2005 (“IT in Business”) international conference in St. Petersburg on June 14-17, 2005.


The conference was an international event for researchers, academics, practitioners and students in the advances in, and applications of IT in Business (private and public). The participants had the opportunity to present, observe and discuss the latest research results in this area. The papers submitted were double blind peer reviewed and appeared in the proceedings in two language versions – the English and the Russian one.


The next ITIB meeting is planned for June 2006 in Warsaw, to be organized by the same two institutions, mentioned before, and the Warsaw University of Farm Economics. It will be hosted by the latter institutions (the Institute of Computer Science).


As in the previous cases, all accepted papers would be published in the conference proceedings. Main subjects of the conference (although the scope is not limited to these ones, and of course, emphasis will be placed on issues related to farming and food economy) are:

- E-business and e-commerce                                       - Market channel strategy
- IT and product/service development                        - Logistics
- Marketing                                                                         - Virtual organizations
- Public procurement                                                        - Net structures
- SMEs                                                                                  - IT Investment

- Financial IT                                                                       - Resource Planning


For more information, contact Helena Lindskog (Linköping University, Sweden), e-mail:


5. MODEST 2006


MODEST 2006 will take place in association with the broader conference BOS 2006 in Szczecin, a large city (some 400 thousand inhabitants) and an important research and educational center (several university-level schools) in North-western Poland. The city can be reached by train, air and is easily accessed by roads both from Poland and Germany. There are ferries from the Scandinavian countries to the nearby haven of Świnoujście.


This time, the broader conference is supposed to host also a bigger number of foreign scientists, and several English-language sessions are envisaged.


The conference will take place in the premises of the University of Szczecin, Faculty of Economics and Management, Mickiewicza street 64/66, on September 29-30 (Friday-Saturday), 2006. The broader conference, BOS 2006, starts on Thursday, September 28th. You will be notified of the details concerning the place and the transport connections in due course, after registration.


So, please feel cordially invited to BOS 2006 and register!



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